Welcome to my homepage. I'm a software developer who enjoys Web service development, high availability clusters, and learning about new tools and libraries, like Fly, datastar, drizzle, Bun, and babashka.
One might ask, why bother to have a static homepage in the era of LinkedIn, Facebook, Medium, and Twitter X? For me, homepages are a reminder of what the Web was first meant to be. A blank slate for expressing yourself. An emphasis on content over form. A network of links that let you dig deeper into interesting topics. Pages emphasizing ideas, individualism, creations, and projects — not firehose news feeds or auto-tagged vacation photos. It also doesn't hurt that this page is simple HTML, that can be viewed and downloaded anywhere. This site looks great on Lynx. Facebook, of course... not so much.
I graduated Gonzaga University in 2013 with a B.S. in Math and Computer Science.
I'm currently employed at Redox, working on a unified platform for health data. At Redox, I do infra/DevOps projects, front-end development, and everything in between. My current focus is maintaining our next-generation healthcare data storage services and building tools for easy-to-use connectivity to major cloud providers (GCP, AWS, Azure, etc.)
I enjoy building "hobby apps", and I've recently started streaming my process at twitch.tv/LukeTurnerSWE. Past streams are available at youtube.com/@LukeTurnerSWE.
If you want to read more, you can check out my blog, or visit my profile on Github.
file that you can download
and run.
files that can be executed to add context menu
entries to Windows Explorer. Deprecated by Context Commander (see Websites).